Welcome to North Rome Young Adults
NRYA is focused on connecting, and discipling young people between the ages of 18-30. This ministry is led by Dallas and Caroline Sizemore, and meets Fridays at 6:30pm for discipleship, leadership training, and relationship building. The goal of NRYA is to capture the heart of this age group and help them navigate this ever changing world around us!

Have any questions, make sure to talk to Dallas & Caroline Sizemore!

It is said that 70% of people between the age of 18-30 walk away from the church. The number one reason is, they don’t have a spot for them. We understand the importance of reaching this generation to lead, equip, and develop them into what God has called them to be. North Rome Young Adults meets every Friday at 6:30pm, at the brick house on Broad Street beside the church. If you’re looking for a great ministry to plug into, join us!